Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Make it Sew and Holiday Pillow Panels - NEW

This year has been an absolute whirlwind (in a really good way), but how can it already be October!?
And its been so very long since I've designed anything new for the store, but that's been rectified!

There are 6 new panels in the store, (YAY!!) and I hope you really love them. I know a few folks have been buying the holiday panels every year and its so much fun for me to see your pictures of your collections growing. (Speaking of pictures, I've been lousy about posting on my blog, but am fairly active on IG, so come find me there - lauriewis).

All of the panels are listed in my store and the first orders will begin shipping early in the 2nd week of October.



My Holiday Llama got a new polka dot scarf

And 3 more everyday panels which just make me smile. Hope they bring you a giggle too.


And for my fellow Star Trek fans, a "Make it Sew" dog and cat

One note: When I printed the test panels for the Make It Sew panels, I put the text too close to the top so once you put the pillow form in the cover, the text is kind of hard to see. So I've moved the text down about an inch and a half for readability. So glad I only printed 1 for the sample covers and the rest are being printed (with the corrected placement!) as we speak. So yours will be perfect :)

In other sewing news, I've finished off a few quilts this year that I would love to post about. And I've been dabbling with a few pieces of apparel which has been really fun. Just need to carve out some time for a few pictures. And hopefully it wont be months before my next post! Hope you are all doing well and that you had a wonderful summer and that your fall is off to a great start.

Happy pillow panel shopping!