For years, I’ve spent countless hours thinking that there must be a way to create a livelihood for myself that isn’t simply another iteration of the same marketing job I've had for nearly 20 years. And during the last 6 months, I’ve been doing some serious soul searching…
When I took stock of the things I love to do, I’ve discovered a common thread. Making things with my hands makes me happy. My crafty ‘Laurie Projects’…The Quilts, collages, stationary, travel memory books, pillows, knitting, jewelry, gardens. All of it. These are always the things I can lose myself for hours in and feel like my soul is a bit fuller while I’m doing them.
So, to give myself some space to explore how to take my creativity and turn it into a way to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, it’s going to take some pretty big changes.
I have loved my time here in New York. What a wonderful city. I’ve experienced and seen some really amazing things here. But let’s get real people, it’s a pretty expensive place to live! Especially when you don’t have a ‘real’ j.o.b. Which brings me to my next two pieces of news…
I quit my job and I’m moving back to Austin! I found a great little apartment in South Austin and will be setting up a little home studio where I can create. And now I can direct all my experience in marketing towards my own goals!
I’ve been working on some ideas for the last few months and am going to give it a go. I’ve set up this blog where I’ll be posting to keep everyone updated on my journey and my ideas. I hope you’ll visit often. Although most of my ideas are in very early stages, the header graphic includes pieces of one of the designs for some new fabric I’m hoping to get manufactured.
The movers are coming to pick up my stuff at the end of July and the dog, cat and I will be taking a cross country driving adventure from Brooklyn to Austin. We should be there sometime during the 1st week of August.
Thank you to everyone for all the love, friendship and support you’ve always provided!