Monday, July 21, 2008

Less than a week left in NY

Cannot believe that I have less than a week left in New York!! The movers are coming this Sunday, so I'm running around like a crazy person trying to squeeze in everything 'one more time' before I head out for Austin. Today was a very productive day.

Started at Cotton, Inc. to speak to them about fabric sourcing and 2009 color forecasts. It will be interesting to see if any of the colors feel inspiring to me as I work on additional designs.

From there I went to the Neue Galleries to say goodbye to my favorite Klimt and see the jewelry exhibit. Followed that with a long stroll through Central Park and the upper East side.

It's been so hard to say goodbye to everyone! Rick threw me a lovely going away dinner (Thanks for the Brazilian Shrimp Stew recipe Rick. It won't be the same when I make it. The company is always part of what makes it so delicious!)

And it was so great to see the whole team from Ogilvy last week. I will miss all of you little chickens. Please come visit Austin.

And Renee and William had a glorious, delicious dinner for me in their beautiful garden. I still have no idea how you ever leave that paradise each day.

Thanks again to everyone for all the love and support. It's time to get back on the phone and continue discussions with printers. Stay tuned...