Would you be interested in fabric with donkeys in boots and santa hats for the holidays?
Would you want a coordinating boots-only fabric?
If I get the fabric printed and listed in the store by October would that give you enough time to do your holiday sewing?
For those of you who have purchased my donkey and boots fabric and are familiar with the size, would you want these donkeys to be the same size? smaller? larger?

If you're so inclined I'd love to hear your thoughts. Just leave me a comment. Thanks for your help!!
omg! love the donkeys! and strangely enough, I notice the plain donkeys more in this pattern than the normal...
stop it!!! just stop it right now girlfriend!!! you're gonna get me to shell out the big bucks arn't you!!??? ( and yeah... i did say arn't! ) :)
f a n t a s t i c !!
xo, Heather
That is so absolutely adorable! I'm too broke to buy any, but if I wasn't I'd probably buy some of this.
Donkey love from Chicago. No matter what you decide about size, it'll be wonderful.
If I can't make it work for this year's Christmas, there is always next year. *S*
id personally like just the boots with that adorable background ...
I'm too broke to buy more, too, but I'll just give something up! I love it & loved the size of the donkies in the original. Unless the coordinate was something really unique, I think perhaps I would probably choose a "regular" fabric to coordinate.
Also, I would buy it even if it wasn't available till Dec-could be an early start for Christmas 2011!
Omigosh, that's adorable and I love it! Unfortunately (as a grad student) I don't think I'd be able to afford to buy any if you did make it available *sad face* :(
Yes! And, um, any chance one of those donkeys could end up with a Rudolph nose? Or antlers?
I wish I could afford to buy some but I too am a broke grad student. If I had the money I would love to get the donkeys smaller but the print the same. With this slight change I could make many little projects using a donkey in each.
SOOOO cute! I love the holiday boots, and the rudolph nose or antlers - that would be awesome. I'm not a big fan of santa hats though.
YAY!! Donkeys in snow boots! LOVE it!
I love the size of your original donkey fabric...but I think this would be great a little smaller scale. Though - I love it no matter what the scale.
My hubby bought me some of your original donkey fabric for my birthday this past year. He told me he suggested you make some sheepdog fabric. He just asked me not long ago if you've designed anything with sheepdogs on it yet. LOL! I'll tell him I need him to buy me some Christmas donkeys. ;o)
oh my goodness i don't think it could get any cuter...the coordinating boots is a awesome idea.
I'm torn about the santa hat as well - I like them, but they seem out of place. Perhaps if they were on donkeys that didn't have boots??
So fun to get to comment on the fabrics before they get printed!! I can't wait to see this print!
You know, I'm not a fan of Christmas print fabrics.. kind of sad I know.
But these are pretty dang cute!
I love the donkeys!!!!!!! How about "fair and balanced" with some Christmas Elephants too so I can make some prezzies for my few friends from that political persuasion?
Love the Christmas donkeys!!! Very very cute!
ohmygoodness! I didn't think anything could be cuter than the donkeys in wellies. I'm in love! I would most certainly buy this print!
I don't think that I'd buy a coordinate, but that's my personal preference.
October is a good time for me, but really any time is a good time to buy cute fabric!
OMG! You're killing me, Laurie!! I love those darn donkeys SO MUCH!
I love the rainboot donkeys. The holiday colored boots are cute. Not sure if I like the hats. Someone did say something about antlers...I think those would be a cuter idea. I would probably buy both, donkeys and a coordinate.
Love it! I think my kiddos all need donkey stockings this year! I'd buy a boatload of holiday donkey fabric and I think a coordinating print is an awesome idea!
OMIGOSH...I just love it..my mom has several donkeys and she would FLIP if I made her a quilt like this
Yes, yes, yes! Smaller maybe and coordinating print would be perfect.
that is so cute! i should have gotten here sooner if i wanted to be original about the antlers, but to me the 3 big xmas symbols are santa, reindeer, and angels so i wouldn't mind seeing some of each in there, but i think the print is ADORABLE as it is!
These donkeys are fabulous! Love'em, and would love to see just the boots as well! I would definitely order them if they were available!
I love the hats and boots, if they were smaller that would be great too.
Money is tight around here and yet I have been so tempted to treat myself to just ONE or TWO fat quarters of your precious donkeys.
Having seen someone cut the donkeys out and feature one in each block, I would like to see just a tiny bit more room between each one, so that there is a good clean seam allowance, allowing the donkey to be 'whole' with no hoofs, boots, or anything else that is vital, cut off.
So, so cute! I LOVE the Santa hats (and a Rudolph nose and antlers would be cute too). I would maybe like the donkeys slightly smaller. I promised my husband I would stop buying fabric, but I would for sure make an exception for this.
I love the holiday donkeys -- and would be really interested to see a boots-only fabric. (actually, I'd be interested in boots-only, holiday theme or no)
I would love to see Hoffman print the original Donkey designs - you can do no wrong!
yes please! they're adorable!! :)
(even to someone who's typically not a christmas fabric kind of girl!)
donkeys in santa hats and wellies? YES!!!
Yes to all of the above. I hope you go for it!
OK I made a promise not to buy amore material until I us up my stash, but come on . That is the a must have fabric. I love the donkeys
OMG. Christmas pillowcases and rice packs, oh my! I love this!!
I am not a holiday fabric person but - WOW - this I would get in a heartbeat laurie! I'd say same size or maybe even a little smaller. And maybe some festive ducks too? I would make holiday gift bags with the fabric! What fun!
Oh my, keep the donkeys for sure! Maybe add a red nose to a few of them. :-) I love your fabric!
Love the donkeys in boots--in any size-- and I would love to see a coordinating boot print. You are so awesome!
Those would make the cutest pjs for my kids. I would definitely buy them.
I'd definitely buy some! I'm starting a Christmas quilt now but I have a lot of smaller Christmas projects I plan on doing this year so time wouldn't be a big issue.
I would definitely buy some and would LOVE some coordinating boots fabric too!
yes, yes, yes!!! i LOVE this!!! =) i will be buying!
Oh goodness! Could they be any cuter?! Adorable!
I would for sure buy some of the boots fabric too!
Oh Laurie, I don't usually buy 'Christmas fabric', but I would DEFINITELY buy this donkey-wellie boots-Santa hat fabric. I've got your fabulous donkeys + wellies fabric stashed (+Kate Conklin's gorgeous quilt pattern), so would love to see the donkeys the same size. I'd buy coordinating/contrasting Kona solids and make up some fun Christmas tableware for me + gifts - napkins and runners most likely, maybe a Santa bag or two. Would love to see it available in October as I always need PLENTY of lead time to make Christmas projects! Good luck with the creative process! Catherine
If it's not too late to answer, I would like to put my two cents in. I bought your donkey in boots fabric and would like donkeys the same size as the original and a donkey a little bit larger. I would buy the fabric in October, as there is still plenty of time to create. I never buy Holiday fabric, but would love to buy more donkeys and boots. I would snatch this fabric up!!!!!!!
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