I am so excited to get to share my next collection for Robert Kaufman. Barnyard Counting starts shipping June/July 2013 so it will be in quilt shops before you know it! The collection is made up of a bunch of sweet prints that feature barnyard sounds and counting and numbers. Its a nice gender neutral collection and would be a fun choice if you have baby shower gifts on your list to make.
My favorite print in the collection is the multi-directional print that includes all of the animals from the barnyard. There are cows, sheep, pigs, goats, frogs, turkeys ducks, chickens, horses, and a little barn. I love the checked numbers that are tossed throughout.
A coordinating panel with 10 boxes perfectly sized for a cheater quilt or a super cute soft book. Blocks would be really cute from these panels too.
And moo cows in three colors: red, blue and a medium green
And chicks in light blue and a grassy green. Peep peep!
Text print in red, white and black with all the sounds from the barnyard.
My future includes some PJ bottoms from the black print.
All of the coordinates together. I know you guys are going to make some AMAZING quilts out of these prints. Cannot wait to see them!!
You know how much I love it when the team at RK surprises me with a super cute selvage.
Chicks!? I nearly fell over from excitement. SOOOO cute.
And now for the giveaway!!
I have 2 FQ sets of Barnyard Counting to giveaway to 2 lucky readers. Just leave me a comment here with ideas for what you might make with Barnyard Counting if you win. I'll choose both winners via random number generator the evening of Monday 5/20/13. Make sure I have a way to contact you and, as always, international entries are welcome!
One last thing! I'm hoping that you might be able to contribute a small donation to help me meet my fund raising goal for the Make A Wish Foundation!! I'm almost there but need some help to raise this last little bit. Make a Wish pays for amazing wish experiences for kids suffering from terminal illness.
100% of the proceeds raised will go directly towards funding wishes (often the last great experience some of these kids get to have.)
If I can meet my goal, I commit to rapell (abeseil for those of you not in the US) down the side of a 32 story building here in Austin on June 15. (And yes, I am completely terrified but also excited!) With your help we can make a huge difference in the lives of kids who are so deserving of something really special. So anything you can contribute would be amazing! Donations are being collected here. And if you can't help and know someone who can, please share the link! Thank you for your support!
What adorable fabric..I would make a cute quilt to put in my daughter's hope chest.
That's Such Adorable Fabric! It Will make Great Baby Quilts!
I would make two little quilts for my friend Tina's twin boys. She LOVES chickens, and apparently that love for chickens has already rubbed off on the boys.
Oh that is so very cute!! I think I would make pillow cases for my grandsons with this.
Wow this is a gorgeous print, I'm hoping that there will be baby gifts to make later this year for some friends. thanks for the chance
I would love to makea baby quilt out of this fun, cute, and bright fabric!
I've got the Bright and Buzzy alphabet panel and by the looks of it, these numbers would go really well with that in a wonky log cabin quilt.
Thanks for the giveaway!
It's another cracker of a collection Laurie! I'd make a play mat if I was lucky enough to win. I'd also fussy cut a few of the animals for a long term project I'm planning with some of the critters from your other collections ;)
Without wishing to sound like a broken record...I'd make a quilt:-)
And despite not knowing what rappelling is, I will donate tomorrow morning as tucked up in bed now and see the page doesn't do Paypal and my credit cards are in another room!
I'd make a book to my little girl, Josefina, and a carpet to play & learn with her!!!
Oh my, those chicks are adorable! Another wonderful fabric line, congratulations! My cousin just had a baby boy a couple of weeks ago, I'd definitely make him a quilt :o)
not sure exactly how, but they would get used! (I'm a quilter, I make quilts.)
What a sweet collection! I would love to make my best friend's son a quilt from it. He was born last month.
I absolutely love this line...I have this thing for barns and barnyard animals. I would be so tickled to get to play with this new line! What would I make, gee...I liked the book idea, but would probably make a quilt! Thanks for sharing with us!
Love your new fabrics! I would make baby quilts to give as gifts which is one of my favorite things to do.
LOVE the text print ! I picture bibs, and burp cloths, and quilt. Very very cute .
What a great fabric you always come up with the most amazing things.I can see all kinds of nursery items made with this fabric!
How cool!
I totally see little dresses and collared shirts from the cows and chicks prints. And I love the idea of a soft book from the pannel print.
Best of luck... with both the fund raising and the rapelling!
Ooo awesome fabric - you are so clever!! A picnic blanet that folds into its own pillow pocket would be fun to make!!!
I would make some soft toys - like a rectangular cube out of the numbers! I love the text print as well - would incorporate it into a baby quilt
Cute fabric! I would make a baby quilt for sure!
That birdie selvedge is the cutest thing I've ever seen! I have a few friends who just announced pregnancies so maybe some baby quilts or hospital care pack tote bags would get made with these adoreble fabrics.
It's nothing new and exciting, but I'd make a wall hanging for my son's nursery. I'd also make a mug rug for myself though with any of the chick fabrics... we recently got our first real chicks and I've been obsessed ever since :)
Thanks for the chance to enjoy your new line!!
What a fun line!! My daughter is learning her animal sounds! She's got Moo down! I would love to make a little soft book for her and definitely a quilt! I could see a cute Polaroid block quilt! It would be so cute! Maybe name it My First Trip to the Farm! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm expecting twins, so these would make amazing activity quilts for my two little girls:)
Fingers crossed I win! Sarah - craftypeach (at) gmail (dot) com
Thanks Laurie!
I would love to make a play mat... the colours are so fun!
I would love to make something for my sister that is expecting in Oct. We grew up on a farm, so it would be appropriate!
That is the cutest fabric! I would make a darling baby quilt with it.
i definitely think baby quilts are the way to go with this gorgeous fabric!! i always have a ton of friends expecting, so I would have lots of opportunity to use it!
I'm expecting in August so I'm making tons of baby stuff. I think the text prints would make really cute square block toys and also as simple patchwork baby quilts.
A reading quilt for my adopted kindergarten class with books about the animals to read on the quilt would be so cute. And then pillow cases decorated with the material to match.
these fabrics would make the cutest draw string bags! i have birthday parties galore this summer to make gifts for!
thanks for a chance.
A hopscotch mat. With little animals to throw.
So cute, I think I would have to make a baby quilt for my soon to be born next month nephew! His older brother (2) already loves the barnyard stuff, so I know he will too!
This fabric screams baby quilt and I know of a least one new baby due in the next month. thanks for a great giveaway.
I would love to make a quiet book out of your adorable fabric!
Oh I would love to make a baby quilt with it or acounting book for baby!
a baby quilt and/or pillow!
I would make some curtains for my kitchen window and then a little baby blanket for a friend having a little boy very soon :-)
Such a great collection. I have twin boys on the way and these would make fun quilts. I love the idea of a softie book too. Thanks for the chance.
Such a cute line. I have a new grand-daughter on the way. These prints would be cute on so many things.
My baby is just starting to move around and I think this would be great to catch her attention and perhaps (for a moment or two) avoid all the other things I wish she wouldn't get into.
Hi. The fabrics are too cute! A picnic blanket is definitely called for.
liberalsprinkles at gmail dot com
Oh my goodness, my daughter would go nuts! She's in the animal/noises stage where every animal spotted (real or picture) must be named and the sound made. I'd have to make her a cushion!
I think I would have to make a barn then fussy cut the animals and stuff them to use in the barn. This line would also be fun to fussy cut and use on a felt board to "tell" stories. It would also make a cute quiet book and quilt! Great job and thanks for your good work for Make a Wish!
Oh my goodness those are the sweetest prints. Love, love love the selvedges! I think I'd have to start with a quilt for my nearly two year old nephew. He's a farm boy, so this fabric is perfect for him. I love the idea of pjs, too, for me.
These fabrics are absolutely lovely. I would make new chair cushions for my kitchen. They would match my cows and pigs that I have now.
So cute! I have a niece and nephew who need quilts from me...and these prints might get them clamoring to come visit us on the farm!
A great-grandson due in June, this would make the cutest welcome to this world -present.
Definitly a quilt.
Something gorgeous for my babies 1st birthday in September! I love your fabrics and made my now 3 year old a quilt from the lovely urban circus!
Great fabrics Laurie!
My niece is expecting her first baby and these would be perfect for a baby quilt!
I've got a 4 month old nephew who's going to need bags, another quilt when he's a bit bigger and facings on the dungarees I plan to make him, these would be lovely! Thanks for the give away!
Definitely a little girl's dress for my niece out of the peep-peep fabric with little chicks. Too cute!!
I just love this line and esp. love the selvage - how fun! I would make nap mats for my 2 young nieces who are just mastering barn yard sounds. Thanks for the chance.
what a great new line. I want to make 2 things. First would be a soft book for my little grand nephew Jacob. And I would like to use them to make up some farm style kitchen linens. I think it would love super fun In my kitchen full of chickens and cows. Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway. What a wonderfull thing you are doing to raise money for this charity.
I croaked when I saw this sweet line - and Peeps? seriously cute stuff - picnic quilt for my nephews and girlfriends little girl for sure - and peeps? I need some of that for my sis in law for a table runner (ok I will be honest and some for me too!) Good Luck w/ the make a wish fundraiser and congrats on yet another super line of fabric!
What cute fabric! I have a one year old that would love the animals. A couple of soft books and a playmat would suit an FQ packet well :) Thanks for the giveaway.
I would have to make some bibs with that delightful fabric!
Such bright and fun fabrics. Can't wait to make a kids quilt.
Such a cute line - this would be perfect for a quilt for my grandsons second birthday
Looks so fun! Loves those cows!
How cute and fun is this fabric. I would make some pillows for my grandson.
Love these designs but then I love all your fabrics. I would make a quilt for my 3 yr old nephew. He would adore it.
Those prints look perfect for a summer shirt and shorts for my grandson.
Those fabrics would make a sweet baby quilt....or a quilt for someone like me, who grew up in Wisconsin where cows rule!
what a cute line! i think it would make a great playmat for one of my nieces or nephews.
This fabric is so cute. I would probably make a quilt from the fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!
Oh boy! I need this fabric! We recently moved to a farm and are slowly acquiring these animals! Love all your fabric designs!
Softy book and pillow cases..and little pajama pants all for my twin toddlers. So cute. Thank you for yhe giveaway!
Annadorothy at gmail dot com
what a great fabric line for kids quilts!
Great fabric ! Love the images & the text is a
wonderful accompaniment. I would make a
baby quilt.....a log cabin & the center block
would feature a fancy cut of one of the animal
prints and the side strips would be the text fabric & some solid brights too. Nice shower gift !
Love it! I would finally have a direction on making my grandsons quilt. He is the youngest and is 6 months old already and no quilt from Grandma!
You can reach me at kathf@outlook.com ;-)
Another fantastic fabric collection - I'd make a quilt for my little boy who's nearly 2 - although I don't think he'd actually sleep under it as he'd be too busy making all the animal sounds :-)
I am making a barn quilt (Lori Holt's design) and this would be perfect for this quilt!
So many fun prints! I would definitely make a few baby quilts. We live in farm country and have several pregnant friends, so this is perfect! Thanks!
I would make quilts for the neonatal intensive care. I have given them quilts before but i dont have anymore juveinile fabric or money to buy any babscorbitt@gmail.com
They would be great for lunch bags and for other kitchen stuff for children :) Thanks a lot for a chance to win! And yes, the chicken on the salvage are too cute :)
I immediately think that these barnyard fabrics would make a great quilt for my little man (3months). I also think they would make super cute reversible pants. I can picture him toddling around with "Moo" on his tushie :)
I do not know what I would make. But the chicks on the edge are cute and I really like the text prints.
I am so exciting to see this print!!!! I would make a handbag for my cousin who will be graduate and will be off to college She LOVES barn animal. Her fav is COW!!!!
JKL052095(at) aol(dot)com
I would love to make a baby quilt. Thank you for the chance
I just joined a new European quilting bee and we are making matching quilts for Siblings who are seperated in the Foster care system. We could really use such cute kiddie inspired fabric. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
So many options, but I'd probably make a quilt for my grandson. Love the barnyard scenes :-)
Great prints! My granddaughters love animals and these would make such cute pajamas for them as we'll as quilts. Thanks for the chance to win. You are a lot brave than I am if you are going to rappell down the side of a building!
that chick selvage is way too cute.
i was sort of hum-ho about this fabric until i saw the words... this just screams to me "BOOKS". book bag, book covers, e-book sleeve, reading-corner bean bag chair cover...
Definitely a quilt/playmat, that would be so cute!
Adorable! I think it might work as a fabric book. If not, my precious new grand baby girl will need to see all the barnyard animals in a block quilt-each Block representing something from the barn!
Definitely a baby quilt. Your designs are so wonderful. I am glad you have the opportunity to share them with all of us.
Just so cute would be great for a quilt front and back
So adorable! I'd love to make a cute baby quilt and crib accents with these!
Well done Ms Laurie! Being a farm liver I love these prints! I just got a new playpen for #1 GD and need to make tiny sheets and quilt for the bottom these would be just great! Lots of little things to look at! Thank you for the giveaway!
Our friends just had twin boys - these are perfect for a couple of baby quilts!
Extremely cute fabrics! Just love them! Would make awesome quilts for some little people I love. :) Thanks for the chance.
I have a great-grandson due in November. You'd make it easy for me to get a shower gift ready. I'll be looking for these in my local shop.
My sister sews soft plush bears for children in the hospital. I would give her the fabric to make bears to bring sick children comfort and joy. Thank you for raising funds for Make A Wish! It is an amazing organization.
soconnor [at] email [dot] arizona [dot] edu
This is PERFECT for a new baby making her appearance in September! Her mama loves farming, especially pigs. Great fabric, thanks for the chance!!
Love the new fabric. I grew up on a farm and love all your farm animals. Would have to make some fun covers for my KitchenAid mixer and food processor.
Jackie MacGregor
I have twin great neices and a great nephew; I would make something for them. Thanks for
the chance to win!
So cute. I love your fabrics. I know a cute little baby who could use a quilt made from these sweet prints.
What delightful fabric! Thanks so much for sharing this and for your awesome blog! I would make a quilt for my 3 year-old granddaughter with this.
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