I was so very fortunate to have had her with me for so many years. She was the sweetest, most gentle soul and I will miss her terribly. It brings me some comfort to know that she is with her Zoe cat who we lost 3 months ago. They just adored eachother. Go play together my sweet girls...
Its very hard losing a pet, they truly are a member of the family. Thinking of you at this time, and hope that your heart is filled with loving memories and not too many tears.
Sorry for your loss, that is never easy.
That's really sad news. She looks like such a beautiful dog and loving companion. Sorry to hear it. Thinking of you.
Oh Laurie, that IS very sad news. We've been through it with 2 cats and 2 dogs, and it is just as hard each time. I'm sure you have lots of wonderful memories though, and that is what you can keep forever!
Thinking of you, losing your loving pet is so hard. Like you said shes up there playing with her pal again.
Oh you poor poor thing - we lost a cat last year which we had only had for a few months and we were all completely devastated so I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. XXX
Awwww....Im sorry :(
I'm SO sorry. I'll send warmest wishes as I work on my beloved urban zoo quilt (an imitation of Ashley's). A block a day...
So sorry to hear about your loss. Pets become one of the family, and it's never easy. Glad she had a friend waiting for her.
Hugs to you.
Very sorry to hear of your losses, and so close together, too. Hugs from far away.
sorry for your loss. I know how tough it is to lose a pet. Ihave lost many over the years.
so sad to read that my heart is coming out for you , sure she will be missed , she will keep living in your mind ,there is nothing any of us can do to ease that pain ,only to say im sorry :(
OOohhh... no Laurie!! I'm soooo sorry to hear about your babies!! you poor thing... :( i sure hope your feeling happier soon!
xo, Heather
I'm so sorry about your dog and cat, too. How hard to lose them both. We lost our golden retriever to cancer in November, and she was the sweetest dog. I miss her, and I am sure you will miss your sweet Clara.
I am so sorry, Laurie - it's so hard to lose a pet, and especially so quickly. I'll be praying for peace for you and your family....
i am sorry for your loss! my lab is so much a part of the family and i don't want to imagine my life with out her. hope you are comforted in this sad time!
Take care - I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is one of the hardest things. Sending comfort your way!
I'm so sorry Laurie, after the fun of the previous post it's so hard to believe you had to write this on next.
My thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. Hugs and kisses for you.
I'm Still Here
Friend, please don't mourn for me
I'm still here, though you don't see.
I'm right by your side each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.
My body is gone but I'm always near.
I'm everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I'll never depart
as long as you keep me alive in your heart.
I'll never wander out of your sight -
I'm the brightest star on a summer night.
I'll never be beyond your reach -
I'm the warm moist sand when you're at the beach.
I'm the colorful leaves when fall comes around
and the pure white snow that blankets the ground.
I'm the beautiful flowers of which you're so fond,
The clear cool water in a quiet pond.
I'm the first bright blossom you'll see in the spring,
The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I'm the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
and you'll see that the face in the moon is mine.
When you start thinking there's no one to love you,
you can talk to me through the Lord above you.
I'll whisper my answer through the leaves on the trees,
and you'll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
I'm the hot salty tears that flow when you weep
and the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
I'm the smile you see on a baby's face.
Just look for me, friend, I'm everyplace!
Author Unknown
So sorry, Laurie. I am holding you and your dear girls in the Light.
I'm so sorry for your loss...last year we lost our cat of 11 years and our dog of 15 years and I still sometimes wake up at night with my heart aching missing them. My mom sent me this poem after we had to put our dog down...I hope it brings a little comfort to you:
If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this, the last battle, can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree,
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you,
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close,we two, these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
Author Unknown
I am so sorry for your loss. I just met her briefly but she was so sweet. I know it's very hard but she is with her friend Zoe and they are probably running around and snuggling together.
I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my sweet dog, Toby, to sleep a year ago March, and I still miss him so much. He, too, had a very sweet personality, was a great companion, and my biggest fan. I know you will miss Clara terribly and it must be a shock that it happened so quickly, but at least you were able to spare her suffering. Take care.
Oh, I'm so, so sorry. I laughed at your picture of her with the t-shirt on, and thought that she had such a sweet face. She looks like she was a real love. Be gentle with yourself, this kind of loss is so hard.
I'm so sorry! Having dogs and cats that I adore makes my heart ache for you. Sending heartfelt hugs and prayers your way.
So sorry Laurie! I'm sure she knew how much you loved her!
My thoughts are with you today.
Oh no! So sorry to hear about the loss of your sweet Clara.
So sorry Laurie. I understand and send you hugs!
So sorry to hear that. Hoping you can keep the good memories close and take care during a tough time.
So sorry to hear about sweet Clara. She was such a sweetie. I'm sure she knows how much she was loved. Hugs.
From one pet parent to another....your Clara looks like she had a great life and a wonderful little buddy. Losing a part of your family is so hard and I'm sorry you're going through this.
To Clara's Mom,
I am so sorry to hear the Clara has gone to the great dog park in the sky. My Mom has told me stories that some her puppies are there too. Don't cry too much, I know Clara was happy when she was with you cuz she let you put on the silly tee shirt! Maybe, someday, you will bring a new puppy or kitty into your home to love. Pawsing with a puppy prayer in memory of Clara. In sympathy, Pixie
Oh no, I am so sorry. We had five dogs and two cats, and last year we lost our Golden to a stroke. You'd think with that many pets we would have taken the loss better, but no, they are all our babies. It's hard. My best wishes and prayers to you.
I am so sorry to hear. It is difficult losing a family member, even if they happen to be of a different species. I still tear up when I remember the amazingly goofy things my yellow lab used to do. She took ill very quickly too, and I am thankful she didn't suffer long.
I'm so sorry. I'm crying for you right now. Clara is wherever wonderful doggies go, and she's having a glorious time. My golden, Tucker, says he can come over and snuggle you. It's his specialty.
oh laurie...i am so sorry. i will just say like the others. i have been there recently and i know nothing can help that hurt. just know we are all thinking of you, zoe and clara.
I am sorry. I understand what it is like to put an animal down when you feel you have no choice. It has been 7yrs for me and it took me 6yrs before I could get another dog, for fear of loosing them. My heart goes out to you!
Oh, I am so very sorry! Losing one you love is never easy. I wish you peace during this sad time.
Laurie, with tears in my eyes, my heart goes out to you...
My heart is heavy with grief for your loss. Wishing you great comfort in your memories of Clara and Zoe, and hopefully a little smile at the thought of them together once again. (((Hugs))) from Central Coast of California.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. We lost our golden (12 years old) a couple years ago, and it still hurts my heart. Then I had to put my dear cat Finley down 6 months ago. We miss them both, and I know the heartache you feel. My heart goes out to you. Please find comfort in that she never suffered and knows how much she was loved by you.
Laurie, I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your sudden loss. We lost our two elderly dogs within 8 months of each other a few years ago (lesson learned: don't get two puppies in one year, as you will likely lose them at the same time, too), and it was the most difficult time in my life thus far. But the pain does soften. The loss will always be with you...in fact, reading about Clara has brought me to tears...but there will be other dogs and other loves. I now have Stella, and she is my joy. She is not Caleb or Ginny, as they can never be replaced, but she is herself and I love her for it.
Don't be afraid to grieve as much as you need to. Non-pet people often don't understand what the big deal is...she was "just a dog." But we know that's not true, and moving past this grief can be as hard as if it were a person. That's ok. You loved her and always will.
I can't remember who said it, but I remember hearing once that one of the life's great unfairnesses is that dog's don't live as long as us. It's so true. Just know that we are all here with our internet love and hugs and support. :)
So sorry about Clara dog! She looked so sweet! I had to put down one of my beloved dogs a couple of months ago. Sad sad. I feel your pain.
HI - only found your blog when I happened across your gorgeous fabrics.I lost a much loved corgi after only 9 years with us - she had a tumour that was in her nose and to remove it would be to remove half her face & what of her quality of life? As much as it killed us to do it, we had her put to sleep so that she didn't have to suffer. One month later we had to put down our 18 yo terrier mutt, who was her constant companion (he had simply reached the end of the road). It was almost as if he no longer needed to hang on. So sad, yet I hope that they are both keeping each other company. I miss them both. One month later we got another dog to keep our 3rd dog company...and 2 years ago we got another Corgi who needed rehousing =) As they say, time is the only healer. You never forget them, but at least I don't cry every time I think of them - I can smile now. I hope you too will be able to do this soon.
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