So once we finished setting up on Saturday, it was a really strange feeling to know that there was nothing left to be done.

I just had to put faith in my work and pump myself up for the next morning when the show started. It was a very strange feeling but also very liberating. I had hoped to spend the afternoon knocking around the city and visiting the Museum of Art and Design (my FAVORITE museum in the city). But after lunch I was completely pooped. Not an ounce of energy left, so I took some time out alone and went back to the hotel and took a glorious and rejuvenating nap! It was fantastic and I woke up ready to conquer the world. We had a great dinner and then saw Wicked. I love big splashy, broadway musical productions and that one certainly didn't disappoint!
We woke up bright and early on Sunday and made our way over to the Javitz. Walking in that morning and seeing it all still standing was such a thrill. I'm really happy with the way my booth came together and it was such fun to get to see everything so BIG. :)

The 3 days of the show were everything I hoped for and more. I made some really wonderful contacts, met manufacturers in all kinds of categories and received such positive feedback on my work. I'm really, really excited about the possibilities for what's next and the projects I hope to get to work on.
And I had some of the nicest and most fun booth neighbors. I really lucked out to be next to such dynamic, talented and genuinely nice people. A big shout out to my Surtex peeps: Cathy Heck, Sandy Gervais, Deidre Mosher and her sister Katherine, Teresa Woo, Debra Valencia, and the whole gang at Julie C. Design. Thanks for all the laughs and the fun!
Would not have been able to make it through the show without Danielle. Thanks D! I will be eternally grateful for your help.
So what's next? Lots of wonderful contacts to follow up with and some new designs in the works.
But today, I'm taking the rest of the day OFF and am going to take Clara dog to the park. :)
Congrats! I was wondering, which shops in the Austin area are carrying your fabric? I will go there.
what a wonderful booth - everything looks so lovely!! I'm so glad it all went so well, and of course I can't wait to hear about all the new things you're working on. (oh, and are those trays with your designs? LOVE THEM!)
Laurie, that is a wonderful report. I am so excited to see where this will take you.
Congratulations! I gotta tell ya, I CANNOT wait to get my hands on tufted tweets. I've promised myself I'm not buying any fabric until I get this one. It's perfect. You are a rockstar designer!!
Can't wait to see the results of your Surtex expolits - fingers especially crossed for laminates. Glad it all went so well for you!
good lord lady... you need to sell wallpaper!!! those blue couches are fabulous!! congrats.. you're a big girl now with your purrty booth!! haha ;)
This made me smile so big; everything you make it SO inspiring & fantastic!!!!!!! <3!
Laminates? Trays? Yes, please!!!
Hi Laurie, I'm so glad you had a great time!! Your booth looks fantastic and I too saw some kind of dish or tray- sooo cute!! And I agree with Heather - what is there you can't do! :) You GO girl!!! Catch your breath for the next whirlwind!!:)
Take a well deserved rest! The booth looked fantastic and I'm sure you wowed everyone. We can't wait to see Tweets in our shop!
So glad to hear everything went so well. Your booth looks amazing - so full of gorgeous colour! Thanks for the update, enjoy a well deserved rest.
Eeeeee! I'm so excited for you - new contacts and opportunities!!! Sounds like an amazing success already :)
ohhh I can't wait till ALLof your fabric is printed commercialy. I will buy up pounds of thes tuff I love your designs so much. I stare at my donkey wellies journal daily but have yet to find anything worthy of its pages to write in it yet.
you are a great designer. I am so excited for all of your fabrics. You can thank spoonflower for introducing me to you. and I will forever be greatful of that.
congrats on all your accomplishments.
Your booth looked fabulous! Sounds like it was a wonderful, positive experience -- and a lot of fun!
Hi Laurie! I met you at the show (I was visiting not exhibiting) and just found you and your work delightful. I am so happy you had a successful show and I am not surprised at all. your booth was gorgeous!
Laurie, your Surtex booth looked awesome! Hope you made some great contacts and many wonderful, exciting opportunities come along for you.
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