Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My very own quillow!

Maybe you remember my post from a few weeks ago where I showed off the quillow Nova at a cuppa and a catch up made using Pooches and Pickups?

Well, once I saw that little cutie I knew I absolutely had to have one of my very own. There's something just so charming and sweet about a lap quilt that neatly folds into its very own container. It reminds me of being a kid and going to slumber parties and staying up too late. So, I asked begged Nova if she'd make me one of my very own. And I was simply giddy when she agreed. Yay Nova!!

We did a little trade and I sent her a little bundle of goodies and some fabric from my stash for the quillow. It arrived this week and I love, love, love it Nova! The hand stitching, the handle from my selvage, and the little pocket... Oh... how I love my quillow.

Take a read through Nova's post where she's posted a link to her quillow tutorial and a video for how to re-fold the quillow. Confession: So very glad there's a video. I have never been able to re-fold a map and I was sure I would never be able to fold my qillow properly again!

And as soon as I ripped open the package and set the quillow down, Fiona cat has pretty much not removed herself from it. Fiona + chenille = love. And on that note, quillow + Laurie = love. Thanks so much sweet Nova!! xo


Nova 1 said...

so thrilled you (& Fiona) love it! xxx

Unknown 2 said...

I love saying the word quillow. Really cute. And a pocket!! Well done.

ColorSlut 3 said...

It is stunning. I really love it. Now I'm thinking about what I should do with my own fabric from you! And kitty on a blanket is just adorable.

Anonymous 4 said...

my cat Sakina will glue herself to anything soft as well, she especially likes big chunky knits. so one day my mom made Sakina her own blanket... which worked until she saw me using a different one... she always wants the one that i'm using!!!

Ashley 5 said...

love it! nova does such fabulous work!!